If your kids LOVE Tad Leap Frog videos OR if you are having a baby and want to share the experience with your littles...here's a good DVD that could make a great stocking stuffer! LeapFrog Tad of Christmas Cheer DVD only $3.99 shipped from Amazon right now!
Thank you Freebies2Deals.com for helping me find this!
Here is a fabulous deal you'll want to jump on right away! The Monster High High School play set is just $34.99 shipped from Kmart.com. You can choose in store pick up, but this price is an Online Only deal! My girls have this. It comes with LOTS of cool pieces and furniture. I got mine for $52 and I thought that was a good deal. But this is the perfect price for what you get, the quality and size. (It fits many girls in there together nicely).
I believe quite strongly in Buy Local. I also believe in supporting home-grown businesses whenever possible.
When it comes to Christmas shopping, don't feel tied to the store. Sure, you can find a good deal, but spread the love if you can.
I am purchasing some exceptionally-professional, handmade wreaths from a friend of mine who has recently started her own in-home business. I feel so happy with not only the quality and the custom look I got from buying local; but that I am making two people happy: the business owner and the giftee. I know my family will love the wreaths (they're gorgeous!) and I feel good helping my friend grow her business.
Another gift I love to give are books. Here is a link to a cookbook written by my friend's dad. It's totally whimsical and a great option for a hard-to-buy-for!
So think outside of the box (or store!) and see if you can buy local for someone on your list!
For the last 3 Christmases, my little girls have been way gung-ho for Monster High (or should I say (ghoul-ho.) I've learned somewhat about the purchase prices on Monster High dolls. I commend Mattel for offering something for every budget, but if you are a serious collector (and there are people that seriously collect these dolls) or a bargain hunter, I have some tips I've figured out.
There are 'no frills' type dolls and 'all-in' type dolls. No-Frills will wear a different, less fancy/detailed outfit than usual; and does not include either a 'yearbook' or a pet. It will include the standard MH stand and hairbrush.
All-in type dolls wear either their "School Year" outfit (such as in the movies) or a fancy outfit like a ball gown (Sweet 1600) and usually include an accessory such as a pet or artifact in addition to the standard MH stand and hairbrush.
No Frills types include: Ghoul Shores, Dead Tired, Travel Scaris*, Dance Class, Music Festival, Basic Travel, 13 Wishes*, Picture Day. Dot Dead Gorgeous, Ghouls Night Out, Skulltimate Roller Maze, It's Alive. (note the asterisks!)
All-In types include Standard Classroom, Original Favorites, 13 Wishes Haunt the Casbah (different that above) Scaris City of Lights (different than travel type) and the main girl editions of Ghouls Rule and Sweet 1600.
For the "No Frills" you are looking to pay about $11 or $12 each and not more than $14 for sure.
For the All-In types you can pay $20 but you shouldn't pay more if you are watching.
The thing to watch out for is the collectors. See that makes certain special rare dolls more expensive than they should be. For example all the boys are double the price! But they are really rare...even the swim suit boys are hard to get. And there are sometimes characters released in the "No-Frills" category and you may have to pay more for them since they don't exist in other styles (like 13 Wishes Gigi Grant, she's good at $19) .
I hope that sheds some light on buying MH dolls. Amazon usually has good deals, but you have to act fast they change the price if there is a surge in purchasing on a certain girl. You are unlikely to find dolls on shelves, so I wouldn't count on in-store purchases for anything desirable. If you see ANY boy for $20 buy two and sell the other on EBAY for 2x what you paid!
I wish you luck. Also, if the legs break...let me know, I know how to fix that (oh, and I should really say WHEN the legs break...not IF)
AMAZON does have a sale on some MH dolls right now. These aren't bad prices.